Alex Marlow Podcast EP: 65

Victory for Real News: Zucker Out at CNN, Bad Day for Media Cartel; John Nolte and JD Vance Take on the MSM and CCP

It is media mayhem day on the Breitbart News Daily! The ouster of Jeff Zucker from CNN. Was it really THAT big of a deal that he was in consensual relationship with one of his Vice Presidents? It’s not a great look, of course, but CNN has let their own staff get away with worse… what gives? The JCPA media cartel bill was scrutinized via a Capitol Hill hearing yesterday. It is being sold to the public as a bill that takes on Big Tech and supports local journalism, yet it will certainly be devastating to independent media. And ESPN is propping up an American skiing champion who is going for gold in Beijing — as a member of the CCP’s Olympic squad. Disgraceful, but hardly shocking. Two guests today: first, John Nolte, explains CNN’s decline in the Jeff Zucker era, Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Rogan. And JD Vance, Ohio Senate candidate and author, explains why he still opposes the JCPA, as well as solutions to remove the power and influence of the American oligarchy.

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