Alex Marlow Podcast EP: 63

Rogan Caves? Vows Podcast Change in Face of Cancel Mob, Guest: Gordon Chang on How to Take on the CCP

Canadian truckers are winning over anti-authoritarians around the world, meanwhile Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is pulling a Big Joey Biden by calling them racist while changing the subject to the Ukraine/Russia border. California failed to pass universal healthcare despite a Democrat super-majority, single-party government and a financial surplus. How could this be? Gavin Newsom is focused on closing death row – even though California doesn’t do executions any more – and not crime, oppression, or people fleeing his state. What else is new? Mayor Pete shows his inner Napoleon by revealing a plan to dole out billions of dollars worth of robot speeding tickets to taxpayers. This could be devastating to his career and it might even be racist! Then, we discuss the latest in the Joe Rogan/Spotify saga where the podcast host issued a semi-apology and vowed to change his show to make it more balanced. Why didn’t Joe just tell everyone to “eff” off? Let’s hope the corporations haven’t gotten to him. Today’s guest: Gordon Chang not only explains why a Beijing Olympics boycott is necessary, but we also discuss what Americans can do take on the CCP without having to wait for our elected leaders.

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